New drywall is soaking up too much paint after contractor ';applied 2 coats of (ivory colour) primer'; prior to us painting. Whatever ';primer'; they used was sprayed on and doesn't smell like kilz primer. It's really eating up our Sherwin-Williams paint and frustrating us. We've resorted to priming again ourselves by hand. :( Any clues why it's soaking up so much? About 1 can for only one coat of ';dovetail';, a gray colour low VOC for a room about 12x12-ish. Maybe they didn't use primer? (Should it take more than 2 coats...) All suggestions/reasons are welcome! THANKS!New drywall is (still) soaking up too much paint, any clues?
Yes undoubtedly it was the primer they used. If the primer you are doing now is not causing that issue keep the receipt and contact them. They may be unaware that their primer is crap. I would insist on them coming back to finish the entire job at their expense of course.
Info on Chinese Drywall -%26gt;鈥?/a>New drywall is (still) soaking up too much paint, any clues?
Drywall WILL soak up paint and primer, no matter what brand the primer is. You need not use Kilz or any specific brand of primer, so long as it says ';Drywall Primer and Sealer';. The sealer is the most important part, as new, unprimed drywall will soak up a LOT of primer, as it's supposed to. This seals it and will take less paint than primer to finish 1 coat. What brand of primer is used is unimportant, so long as it seals. This primer is specifically made for new drywall. I am guessing they did not use a sealer\primer. It's not the end of the world, just add more paint or reprime it yourself.
I just checked a gallon can of paint that ia have and it says it covers 400 sq ft of wall surface. A 12 x 12 room has 384 sq ft of wall (not subtracting for windows and doorways), so one gallon would be needed for each coat. I don't know how dark ';dovetail'; is but if it s light gray then you may not need a second coat.
with a sprayer, you are supposed to water down the primer to make sure the sprayer doesnt get clogged. i was told while buying primer for this same thing that some contractors water down the primer way to much to cut costs and make the job appear to be done. it sounds like you just need to add one coat of a good kilz primer and you should be good.
use better paint,,suggestion is benjamin moore auroa! good luck
Probably wasn't a good primer and especially if it was sprayed on. Prime it yourself with Kilz-it. Contractors are hard to trust!
Whoa, sounds like you have that Chinese made drywall that has been recalled. Sounds like trouble to me.
yES, ';Fresh'; drywall will soak up paint like a sponge. You've got your own answer there -- PRIME %26amp; USE A GOOD PRIMER LIKE kilz !!!!! oR IF YOU'VE ALREADY GOT OPENED CANS OF PRIMER TAKE IT BACK %26amp; either have them replace it with KILZ or have them tint your primer to as close a match to your paint color as possible, but justa bit lighter !!!! kilz is the best primer available !!!!!!
If it is chinese drywall it will be printed on it ';Made in China'; -- if so remove what you've put up, take it with you along with any unused sheets %26amp; return it !!! If they try to refuse giving you a refund -- just get louder %26amp; call for a manager !!! Companies dont want you scaring off other customers. State loudly that it's illegal to sell %26amp; you cant believe s reputsble store would sell it !!!!! Grip loudly til you get your money back or credited to your credit-card !!!! ';THE SQUEEKY WHEEL GET THE GREASE'; -- and the REFUND , etc. !!!!!! Do NOT let them talk you into keeping ANY chinese drywall -- it is dangerous to your family esp. to children %26amp; will ruin any chance of resale of your house as sellers MUST disclose ALL known problem with a home %26amp; if you lie %26amp; it's discovered later (through internet searches of say: ';ANSWERS, ETC.'; a judge can award TRIPLE the costs for your hiding a fault !!!!
So, do it right even if you have to tear out CHINESE DRYwALL %26amp; dont let them tell you ';this 'NEW' Chinese drywall is ';FINE'; or ';OK'; -- it is NOT !!!!!!!!!!! No future buyer will accept it -- I wouldn't !!!! Tint your primer, always tint primer !!!, and use TOP QUALITY PRIMER such as KILZ !!!!!
Hope this helps !!!
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