Friday, February 26, 2010

Can you paint drywall?

Yes.Can you paint drywall?
yeah after you texture it and prime it with a sealer then you can paint it...Can you paint drywall?
I'm pretty sure your supposed to....
Yes, that's what most walls in our homes are made out of. My dad has been a drywall contractor for 35 years.
Yes. Use a good quality sealer first, two coats. That way your color will lay the way that you want it to.
yes you need to texture it first though
Use a good primer first or the paint will soak right in.
i think it is best to paint the wall when it is dry, a lot easier. so yes.
You need a good primer first and make sure you have filled in all the cracks. After you have primed it, choose any color you want!
yes you can paint dry wall. if the inside of your house is painted,your walls are all drywalls
Yes you can but should use a latex primer first otherwise you might have probs with the paint adhering to the surface. Primers seal the surface to equalize paint absorption.

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