Monday, February 22, 2010

How and with what product do you best clean interior painted drywall?

if anyone knows of what product works well without damaging the surface I would be most appreciative, also, I am unsure of what additional supplies,(i.e. sponge, scrubber), are the most effectiveHow and with what product do you best clean interior painted drywall?
what is sugar soap? however i have 6 kids i love those magic eraser thingsHow and with what product do you best clean interior painted drywall?
For easy jobs - the magic eraser, not sure what sugar soap is, and for tough jobs - ';TSP'; you can find it at a paint store you can dilute it more than it calls for for a milder cleaner just use a soft sponge and follow the directions on the box (adding a little extra water) Good Luck!
Sugar soap is great. I dont know what yo have in the shops but this great and just use a normal sponge
try using some sugar soap i worked as painter and decorator and we used it to wash down the walls to remove any grease or nicotine!you should be able to get it from your local diy store.
I use a mild solution of Mr. Clean and a rag or sponge. Mix about 1/4 cup per gallon of water. No rinsing is necessary.

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